HOW YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND CAN CAUSE YOU TO FAIL IN YOUR GOALSSometimes in life we may have a goal that we consciously want to achieve but we still end up doing something completely different. The reason for this can be that whilst consciously you are working towards that goal. Your unconscious mind is driving you in a completely different direction. By getting your unconscious mind in line with your conscious mind you will be able to achieve goals much quicker than you would have thought possible. A good example is the way many poor artists believe that there art can only be produced when they are in condition of material poverty. They on unconscious level believe that if they were materially wealthy they would no longer be able to produce such great art. So even if they may consciously decide that they wish to achieve some level of financial security they will undermine this on an unconscious level. By recognising this they can put both their unconscious and conscious desires into alignment and achieve whatever it is they want to achieve.The unconscious mind is a much more POWERFUL PLAYER in the way that we act than the conscious mind. If you were to use the analogy of an iceberg. The conscious mind is the small tip out of the water the unconscious mind is the nine tenths which is underneath the water.Getting to UNDERSTAND YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND therefore is very important. First off an important understanding is that your unconscious mind cannot process negatives. If I was to say to you do not think about the color red. Immediately you will think of the color red, before you are able to think of another color to take its place. Take another example such as the thought "I don't want to be fat." Your unconscious mind doesn't hear the "I don't want to be" part. It only hears the "fat" part. As a result you end up getting fatter. Even though this is not your stated goal.It's a bit of a clich'e in self improvement circles. But it's a cliche because it's true. You must put your goals in the positive. A much better goal would have been "I want to be toned and healthy." You need to focus your mind on what you do want, not want you don't want.Also your unconscious mind needs direction. If your conscious mind doesn't provide a direction for it, then somebody else will. This is why hanging out with the wrong type of person can be so detrimental if you do not have a strong sense of direction yourself.You receive so much information everyday that you need someway to filter this information. The filtering mechanism which you employ is called the Reticular Activating System or RAS. This alerts our brain to certain stimuli and tells it to pay attention. The type of data the it lets in through its filters must meet one of the following criteria.Firstly it will allow the information to enter your brain if the information is important to your survival. Even if you are not paying attention when walking down the side walk, if you see a car careening out of control your mind will quickly pay attention. It also lets in information that has a novelty factor. For example when you purchase a new car you will probably notice all the lovely new features of that car but after awhile the novelty wears off and these features just become part of the background.Also if information has high emotional content it will be let in. imagine you have lost a child in a crowded shopping centre. As you search through all the other people if you catch the slightest glance of the child you will zero. Finding your child has a high emotional value and so you will discard all the other unnecessary information.
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