There are many diversified hypnotic techniques that are used to reach the unconscious to cause change. Each method has its positives and its negatives. No two people are the same, so it only stands to reason that the best results will be obtained by utilizing the techniques that each individual will react favorably to. Most companies that sell hypnosis recordings offer CD's that consist of standard traditional hypnotic methods. A few vendors offer much more fresh and effective Ericksonian hypnosis methods. And fewer still offer NLP methods. The most effective methodology is video hypnosis. Video hypnosis utilizes the latest Neuro-Linguistic Programming thought patterns to cause rapid change in a person. Video hypnosis techniques are not subliminal in nature. With "Traditional Hypnosis," we simply make direct suggestions to the unconscious. This type of suggestion therapy works well for a subject who generally accepts what he/she is told. Most pre-recorded hypnosis tapes that are sold today are based on "Traditional Hypnosis" methodologies. Unfortunately Traditional Suggestion Therapy is not very efficient for people who are analytical in their thinking processes. By contrast, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming methods work more effectively for most people in today's generation! This is because today people are taught to question everything, rather than just copy what everyone else is doing. So these methods do work very well on people who are analytical in their thinking processes. These methods are far more effective at reaching and influencing the unconscious. However, it can take many years of study and experience to learn how to apply these methods with a high degree of success. With "Ericksonian Hypnosis," we use little stories, called metaphors, to present post-hypnotic suggestions to the unconscious. This is a compelling process, because it usually eliminates the blockage of and resistance to suggestions that is often caused by the conscious mind. There are two types of metaphors, "Isomorphic," and those of the imbedded command or "interspersal" nature. With "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" (NLP), rather than using post-hypnotic suggestions, we use the same methods of thinking that are creating a problem, like nail biting or stress, to eliminate the symptom. NLP in the hands of an experienced hypnotherapist can be very effective. NLP Anchoring: Have you ever heard some old music and had it remind you of feelings from the past? When you originally heard the music, you were feeling those feelings, and they subconsciously became associated with the sound of the song. So the melody became an Anchor for the feelings. Now when you hear the song, it triggers the same feelings again. Anchoring can be a very effective method. Suppose that you have a memory of being commended for a great accomplishment in the past. If you go back into that memory, you'll be able to recall the feelings of self-esteem that you had at that time. If you touch two fingers together while you re-experience those feelings of self-esteem, that touch will become an anchor for the feelings of self-esteem. Now suppose that you want to create motivation to stick to a diet and lose weight. If you make a mental image of yourself with a thin, sexy body, and simultaneously trigger the anchor - (press the two fingers together again), your unconscious will attach the feelings of self-esteem to your image of you with the thin body and your level of motivation to lose weight will increase exponentially. NLP Flash: This is a very effective and powerful NLP technique that can be used to turn things around in the unconscious, so that thoughts and experiences that used to trigger feelings of stress actually trigger relaxation instead. The NLP Flash technique is also extremely effective for extinguishing conditioned responses. For example: If a smoker has a cigarette while drinking coffee, his/her unconscious will connect the two behaviors together so that he/she automatically gets a strong urge for a cigarette anytime he/she has a cup of coffee. The Flash will cause the smoker's mind to disassociate the image of a cigarette from the cup of coffee so that he/she does NOT get a compulsion to smoke just because he/she is drinking coffee. With "Subliminal" recordings, the recording has dual tracks. One track contains a cover sound that is heard by the conscious mind. The cover sound could be anything from music to nature sounds. The number two track contains direct suggestions that are listened to by the unconscious. These suggestions are repeated many times during a session. Subliminals can be an addition to hypnotic programs. But Subliminals will never replace Hypnosis or NLP because they are not as effective! They are not even in the same universe! Some studies have claimed that it can take up to 80 hours of listening to a subliminal CD before it will have any effect on many people. The last hypnotic methodology that we're going to talk about is Video Hypnosis. Video hypnosis is the most practical form of hypnosis! The methods used in video hypnosis are based on the NLP technology, which works based on the utilization of a person's existing thought patterns instead of post-hypnotic commands. Over 70% of the people on the planet learn more efficiently based on what they perceive through their eyes rather than what they hear. Think about it. If you feel a compulsion to eat or smoke when watching TV, it's because your unconscious recorded the video image of either food in your hand, or a cigarette in your hand, and then associated that image with an image of the TV. You never spoke to yourself and told yourself in words to associate them together, true? And that's why the Video Hypnosis technique is so effective. It's not hypnotic in the traditional sense, relying on the spoken word; rather, it relies on transmitting images to the unconscious. And if you've ever shed a tear when watching a sad movie, then you know how powerful video hypnosis can be at reaching the unconscious. With this technique, results usually start with the very first viewing of the video! The Video Hypnosis modality programs the unconscious via a high-tech simulation process called computerized digital optics. This frees a person of their compulsions, urges, and tensions and allows a smoker to stop without willpower, and a dieter to lose their compulsions and appetite. Results start with the very first viewing!
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