воскресенье, 12 октября 2014 г.

How To Getting Any Girl Horny

How To Getting Any Girl Horny
You can get any girl horny in minutes. Below I'll show you how.

The best part is you don't have to say a word. You just get to be YOU.

I'm not talking about the clich'ed advice to 'be yourself' either. I am talking about developing a personality trait that makes girls trip over themselves to b#ng you. Even the coldest meanest b#ches will melt at the very sight of you.

I'm not exaggerating either. Ready for the trait?

Here it is: Go after what you want. With everything you have. All of the time.

I'm talking about a 100% commitment to your mission in life. Not just girls, but everything you want. Your ideal career, making great friends, and enjoying your life. Oh, and girls.

If going after what you want is a natural part of your personality, girls won't be a problem. And you won't even need to say much.

She can pick out a man like this from 3 blocks away. And she can't resist.

Imagine this... You are so used to getting what you want, that it is completely natural to walk up to a girl and make her yours. Any resistance she offers... is fun. It's a playful game that you play together. And you easily persist.

You just won't back down. And this is HOT to women. I'm talking like she thinks you are so hot, she might pull you in the nearest bathroom and ride you like a bucking bronco.

But the majority of guys will never have this ability. They apologize for going after what they want. They quit if things get hard. Or won't even start a project because it seems impossible. And these guys always struggle to get girls.

If you want to avoid this, remember: You are your biggest enemy. The battle for girls starts up in your brain.

Don't postpone it another day. Start now.

Here's a simple way to begin: set up 1 challenging goal for your week.

It could be about anything. Just be sure it is challenging and specific. Like you will run for 20 minutes, 3 days this week. Or you will talk to 3 strangers a day.

And go blow it out of the water! Demolish it! Then celebrate.

The next week, set up a new goal. Then repeat.

Do this and you will have started the journey to being powerfully SEXY to women. Funny thing is, it usually doesn't take too long to start seeing results. Sure, maybe you aren't 'Brad Pitt confident' after a few weeks, but I guarantee you that unexpected surprises will happen quickly.

And if you fail... great. Don't let that get you down. Figure out why you failed. Learn from it. Then set up a new goal and go destroy that one.

Rome wasn't built in a day right?

Do this and making girls horny will be a natural part of your life. Every day. You will be the guy that other men look up to and are jealous of.

The man who not only goes up to talk with any hottie he wants. But also takes her in his arms and leads her back to his place.

And if you want help, check out these 4 powerful techniques in this free video.

You will immediately learn:

1. How to be confident around hot chicks

2. 3 questions to get her into your bed

3. 30 innocent words to get her horny

4. The Seduction Sequence

Hopefully the video is not banned. Been getting a lot of complaints from activists groups about it being offensive. They even claim it is 'illegal.'

And it makes sense, I guess. This discovery can literally make a girl love you in minutes. And I'm talking about the kind of love that she will never forget. She basically gets addicted to you.


Origin: anita-pickup.blogspot.com

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