воскресенье, 28 августа 2011 г.

How To Talk To Women Make Them Want You

How To Talk To Women Make Them Want You
According to public belief a man should talk to women in a relax way. But it is not always easy. Because women psychology differs from men psychology. Contrary to many people's thought rich men are not always the desired and chased one. For women, men's having lots of money isn't the answer of "HOW TO TALK TO WOMEN?". You may have a brand new Jaguar notwithstanding the hot chick in your neighbourhood may refuse you. Men always think woman as themselves. Men always desire the most innocent girl. Because for men always curiosity becomes interesting. Men should accept the difference between men brain and women brain. Women thought is totally different from men. All you know a motto about this fact. "Women come from Venus, men come from Mars" Our nature is different from yours. We are jealous and we instinctly desire the most desired man in the crowded. This is proved in the shopping centers. Go and observe a shopping mall in half price days. You try my advice. Choose the worst scarf in the mall. With a few women take the scarf then you see all of the women will be eager to buy that scarf. Some process is appropriate for men issues.


Then what is the answer of "How to talk to women?" The answer is simple in fact. You should have the user's manuel guides. A new method is found about psychology. Women suck as in other species prefer the most desired men in the group. As a woman I can say honestly that women are jealous they become jealous almost on everything. So this new method is not surprising for me. When we read this method on the web with my boyfriend we think it is bullshit. Then we talk to each other about past experiences. When I say my ex is a captain in the school team he says to me then this method is right. In psychology there are so many new techniques. Sexual triggers, pre-selection mechanism and approach mechanism are some of the techniques. What is approach mechanism? You go to pub or bar and you see a beautiful hot chick. She looks your eyes and smile. You don't turn your eyes away. Only say " How are you?" If this girl continue smiling and she says "fine" It's OK. You approach this hot chick. And you are popular boy for her. This a sample for approach mechanism. And if you know and use "how to talk to women" techniques in the right time you can handle "How to talk to women" problem. This method is a kind of persuading method subconsciously.


This new method has so many tips about women psychology. Human brain is so amazing. You can even kill someone when you make he or she believe himself or herself dying. Even plants are same too. You may be an average man not being rich or handsome and well built. But if you use this techniques effectively you can have so many beautiful women eager to have sexual interaction with you around you. All you need to do is to make her believe that you are the most desired one in the pub or restaurant. As a woman i definitely offer you try this method. Cause i know my gender's thought and behaviour well. Psychology should not be under estimated. It has been proved to be effective. If you have bad past experiences and if you dont want to feel like a wuss again you must try new solutions to "How to talk to women" problem. There are always so many ways to go to house. But we prefer the shortest and cheapest way. Then why do men pay much money on flirting? The answer is simple because they do not know the new way. To my opinion try this new way. More or less you have been trying so many ways since you became adolescent. It is a hundred per cent guaranteed way of flirting with women. Finally talking to women should not related to money and appearence. It is just related to the attitude and behaviour. If you know the right key in the right time you can be the man of the night. Persuade them fall in love with you. Learn all tips and advices about How To Talk To Women!


How To Meet Women

Reference: mark-rayan-pua.blogspot.com

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