среда, 3 декабря 2008 г.

How To Talk To Women

How To Talk To Women
Ever wondered how to talk to women you are interested in? Or what if I tell you, you could actually learn how to approach women and how to attract them and what if, you could have your go at picking quality women instead of having to settle with whatever crumbs that fell off the table with the skills that you acquired? If your intention is to be a man of many options when it comes to women, you might want to listen to what some the dating experts say about how to talk to women.


If you have the feeling that you need some advice on how to talk to women, most probably it is because you are actually making a very common mistake of getting into "approaching mode". You must be thinking and asking to yourself what does this mean? What I am trying to tell you here is that, every time you see a woman that you are attracted to, a complete shift happens in your mind and body. You started to feel nervous, under pressure and eventually, you will start scrambling for things to say as if you have forget how to communicate. Hence, you start worrying about whether or not she's going to reject you.

I bet this does sound familiar to you. And if it is actually happening to you, you might be thinking that all the men on this planet feel this way too, and even those who are experts in how to talk to women. But that's not the case. Men who know how to approach women do it as a completely natural process.. They speak to women that they are attracted to the same way as they would speak to any other regular person that they meet. Or we could put it this way, they don't experience all this additional fear and anxiety and other emotional baggage which plagues the common man when they are dealing with the women they are interested in.

Why is this happening and how can you get yourself a different mindset?


How to talk to women isn't a common knowledge, that is why most men go headed in the wrong direction, which is complimenting on her looks, asking her name, and they are directing the conversation towards getting a date or a phone number. This is the mistake that most men make as it telegraphs interest right off the bat and puts himself one level below the woman.

Naturally, they continue to try and treat the interaction like a business deal. They go right for the close, and completely deprive the interaction of any kind of mystery, playfulness or romance. In other words, they're too busy thinking like a man and that is why they don't know how to talk to women. Men are bottom-line thinkers who like to go right the jugular.

But women are more indirect and prefer their interactions with men to be natural and to have some sense of mystery and ambiguity. Of course, men hate this and just wish that women would be more direct about what they want...and this is why most men are clueless about how to talk to women and how to attract women.

If you want different results, you have to learn to do things differently!


Did you ever heard that the secret in knowing how to talk to women is to be able to send them mixed signals and building curiosity, mystery and suspense? This means that you will communicate as if you're not that interested in them, yet are giving them small subtle signs that tell them you are interested in them. For example, light touches when you talk to them, playful little jabs that suggest you might be attracted to her and which would leave some mystery.

This is what we call the art of indirect communication, and women find it mysterious, challenging and attractive. These may be things they might be frustrations for a man, but these are the essentials if you want to know how to talk to women.

Source: gamma-male.blogspot.com

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