четверг, 6 марта 2014 г.

Balancing Mars And Venus In Each Of Us

Balancing Mars And Venus In Each Of Us
Author : Kevin Burk

=-Excerpt From The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand

and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Kevin B. Burk

=-When we think of ourselves first and foremost as human,

weve taken the first step towards regaining our balance.

Gender does not define who we are. Gender is nothing more

than a biological point of view. Once we take 2,500 years of

ego- and fear-based conditioning out of the picture, the

main difference between men and women is whether we have

indoor or outdoor plumbing. We are not our bodies. Our

bodies are nothing more than a suit of clothes worn by our

spirit. The main differences are that our spirits wear our

bodies for longer than our bodies wear our clothes, and our

bodies are harder to dry clean. Men and women do have

different points of view, but what matters is that we are

all human. And every human has equal amounts of masculine

and feminine energy.It would be easier to embrace this truth if we had a better

understanding of exactly what "masculine" and "feminine"

really mean. Our current definitions are inexorably linked

to gender, sexuality, biology, and the ego-based lie of male

superiority. We have lost touch with many of the qualities

that were once associated with the feminine. In order to

rediscover these qualities, we have to go back more than

2,500 years and explore the culture of Ancient Greece.The Ancient Greeks were the last civilization to include

reasonably healthy feminine archetypes. Of the twelve Gods

in Olympus, five of them were women. Until very recently,

though, we only embraced three of the feminine archetypes.

Women could be sex objects, in which case they connected

with the archetype of Aphrodite (or Venus, in the Roman

), the Goddess of Love, Desire and Beauty. Women

could be wives, in which case they connected with the

archetype of Hera, the wife of Zeus and the Goddess of

Marriage--who, despite her tremendous strength and cunning,

was repeatedly forced to be subservient to her philandering

husband. And women could be mothers, in which case they

connected with the archetype of Hestia, the Goddess of the

Hearth and protector of the home. These three archetypes

embodied the sum total of the feminine for more than 2,000

years. The male ego successfully suppressed the powerful

female archetypes of Athena and Artemis, who collectively

embody feminine strength, skill and mastery.Athena was the Goddess of Wisdom, Reason and Purity.

Severing our connection to her archetype was no small feat,

as Athena was one of the most revered and respected of all

of the Olympians. In fact, the city of Athens is named after

her. Athena was fair, just, and an incredibly powerful

warrior. She was the embodiment of feminine strength. While

Ares, the God of War (and the Greek counterpart to Mars, the

Roman God of War
) was wantonly destructive, childish,

violent, aggressive, and ultimately a coward, Athena was

proud, strong, and courageous. More importantly, Athena

would only fight in order to defend the city--she would never

initiate any conflicts, and she always preferred diplomacy

to warfare.Athena is the archetype of the female warrior. Female

warriors are in no way inferior to male warriors: Time and

again, women have proved that they are in every way equal to

men on the battlefield. The difference is that female

warriors do not fight in the same way that male warriors do,

nor do they fight for the same reasons. Male warriors fight

to attack, while female warriors fight to defend. The female

warrior archetype has returned, however. We see it when

Sarah Michelle Gellar beats up vampires and saves the world

(while still maintaining every ounce of her femininity) in

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and when Lucy Lawless battles

warlords, gods and monsters alike in Xena, Warrior Princess.

More recently, we see Guinevere portrayed as a warrior in

Walt Disney and Jerry Bruckheimers 2004 film retelling of

King Arthur.Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, is the archetype of the

female athlete. In every way, she was the equal of her

brother, Apollo. Artemis has returned as a useful archetype

for women today, thanks to the popularity of womens

athletics. Women now have role models and opportunities to

explore their physical strength, and test and improve their

skills through competitive sports.We have always measured "masculinity" based on strength,

power, and skill, but these qualities are as present in

women as they are in men. Women were supposed to be delicate

flowers who needed men to protect them. The truth, however,

is that while men may have the edge over women in terms of

brute strength, that women often surpass men in skill and

dexterity. Once we take biology and reproduction out of the

equation, men and women are very evenly matched. So what

then, are the truly "masculine" and "feminine" qualities?

The masculine principle is focused, expressive, and direct.

The feminine principle is diffuse, intuitive, and receptive.

The feminine principle provides the container to support the

masculine energy. Masculine energy expands, and feminine

energy contracts. Any action can be "masculine" or

"feminine" in nature, depending on how it is applied.

Warrior energy on its own is neither masculine nor feminine.

It becomes masculine when we attack in order to expand our

borders; it becomes feminine when we fight to defend and

protect our tribe from invasion.Its true that men tend to be more in touch with the more

"masculine" or yang aspects, while women tend to be more in

touch with the more "feminine" or yin aspects. But not being

aware of or familiar with our complimentary nature doesnt

mean that we cant learn about it and express it. This, in

fact, is the reason that men and women form relationships

with each other. Our partners are our mirrors, and when men

and women relate to each other--whether that relationship is

sexual or not--what we see reflected is our complimentary

nature. We see the parts of ourselves that we havent

integrated or owned yet. And through our relationships with

the opposite gender, we learn how to connect with and own

these parts of ourselves, and experience true balance. We

need to learn to acknowledge, accept and embrace these two

complimentary natures. We each have both Mars and Venus

within us, and we need to learn how to appreciate and

express them both.

=-Kevin B. Burk is the author of The Relationship Handbook:

How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your

Life. Visit http://www.everyrelationship.com for a FREE

report on creating AMAZING Relationships.


Keyword : realationship, relationships, Men, Women, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, dating, sexuality

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